5 Reasons to Schedule Fall Furnace Maintenance
Once the cooler weather hits here in Baldwin City, KS, this fall, you are going to want the inside of your home toasty and comfortable. This means turning on your furnace. Long before the first night you’ll want it, you should have your furnace cleaned and checked by a professional from Smith Service Company. You may not think this maintenance is important, and you can save money by forgoing it, but you would be mistaken. Here are five reasons you should call to schedule your appointment today.
1. It prevents unexpected and costly breakdowns.
When you schedule your furnace clean and check on a regular annual basis, you are preventing breakdowns. By having a seasoned expert inspect and clean your system, he or she can spot any impending repairs or weaknesses. This alerts you, so you can take care of the issue in a timely manner, circumventing middle-of-the-night emergencies when emergency services will cost you more.
2. It saves on monthly energy bills.
By having your furnace cleaned regularly, which includes replacing or cleaning your filter, your furnace can work more efficiently, saving you energy. Once it gets dirty, airflow becomes diminished and blocked, causing your furnace to work harder, using more energy to do the same amount of work it normally does under easier conditions.
3. It keeps you and your family safe.
When your furnace is not inspected and cleaned before you use it every fall, you run the risk of missing a possible unsafe issue or repair. Sometimes something as dangerous as a cracked heat exchanger can occur. According to AHRI (Air-Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute) this can leak toxic carbon monoxide into your home’s air, and you may not be aware of it at the beginning stages of the problem. (http://www.ahrinet.org/Homeowners/Improve-Safety/Gas-Furnace-Safety) By then, dangerous levels of the poisonous gas could already be in your home. Your professional technician can spot and address safety issues prior to them becoming unsafe.
4. It extends your furnace’s lifespan.
Your furnace is meant to run smoothly and efficiently, with an expected lifespan of 15 to 20 years (for gas furnaces). When you neglect its annual clean and check, the dirt and dust accumulated inside builds up and causes problems. This in turn forces your system to work harder, wearing down its parts sooner. Keeping things running smoothly helps your furnace live a long and healthy life.
5. It keeps the warranty valid.
Your furnace most likely came with a manufacturer’s warranty. Many of these warranties specify regular maintenance needs to be performed to keep the system in tip-top shape and to prevent unneeded repairs. By not scheduling these maintenance appointments, your chance of incurring repairs increases and may void your warranty.
To ensure the best results for both your furnace and your pocketbook, be sure to schedule your annual furnace clean-and-check appointment before the cold weather hits. You want your furnace to start right up without issue. Call one of our expert Smith Service Company technicians at 785-594-8800 to make your appointment today.